I had the opportunity to roll out of bed at The Gregory Hotel and check out the Caravan Stylist Studio. In conjunction with Blogger Babes, I was treated to hair and makeup before facing the rest of the day which included a great presentation from CDM by Jessica Lynn.
Hidden in the townhouse portion of the hotel, the Caravan Stylist Studio is by appointment throughout the day to actors, actresses, musicians, bloggers, editors and other creative people such as photographers, djs, etc. for hair, makeup and wardrobe services in return for social media love. Across the hall is the lovely Kahrianne Kerr‘s (Iowa Farm Girl turned NYC fashion designer/artist and author) studio which also houses the Save the Garment Center display of garment district maps.
After my bronzy eye was applied (Pixi Beauty and Pop Beauty) and my hair curled (OGX Beauty), I headed out to drop off my jewelry from CINER I had borrowed for Wednesday event along with my fabulous skirt from Viva Aviva (I am contemplating purchasing it!). Back at the hotel for a quick change, I picked up my cute fashion illustration by Kahri, tried on a Six:02 purple pair of Nikes and then left to attend the CDM by Jessica Lynn.
I thought that CDM had a great combo of LA and NYC influences in a wearable colours and designs. At the presentation, we were treated to Selfie cookies. I didn’t eat mine until I got home – but so delicious!
Walking down the very cold 27th street to meet a friend for coffee, I stumbled on Duran Sandwiches. The pleasant Tom greeted me and told me all about his shop and his offering of European open face sandwiches. He seems so genuine and kind, I hope his business does really well.
At night, after stopping in at a Guerlain event at Bergdorf Goodman, I went all the way downtown only to have to turn back around once my phone was somewhat charged. I made a friend on the subway when my phone died who told me he knew I was Canadian. It was a really chilly night and was more than happy cut the night short and retire to pizza and a warm bed.