I realize that this is SO late and since I will be back to NY next week this seems kind of silly to update you on the my meanderings. I rather just show you in photos what I was up to, but since I hardly Instagrammed as I was so busy – here is a quick run down.
Wednesday – Checked into the Renwick, which is clearly becoming my home away from home. If you remembered, I stayed here last December and I wrote about it for RESIDENT magazine. I got to stay in a beautiful suite that had a great living space. So pretty.
Thursday – Meetings at Hearst with Cosmo and O Magazine. Here is a quick story on how I scored an umbrella that saved my well-thought out outfit (I was on the hunt for a week before developing the perfect outfit driving a few friends crazy). I was on route from Columbus circle to Hearst when it started to pour, I ducked into a building alcove and I approached two guys, one was carrying an umbrella. I asked them if i could buy their umbrella for $25, and the guy said, “This is a $35-45 umbrella and I really like it.” I thanked them and spotted two ladies walking down the street. I ducked under one of their umbrellas and I said, “Lets keep walking, I need to tell you a story… I wrote this book… I have a big meeting… Clearly I’m not prepared.” By the end of the block the lady gave me her umbrella. SO FANTASTIC.
When I got to Hearst I realized that I did not have my ID. Again the security guard came through after I went into my soliloquy of who I was and why I was there.
Friday – Two morning meetings. It’s always great to put the face to the name. And lunch and dinner catch ups.
Saturday – I did a lot more catch up with old friends.
Sunday – I went to a TechStyle NYC event in a cool townhouse where I was introduced to a few brands like Heisel. They are company using new technologies to create clothing. I was given reflective thread and I still am deciding on what I can use it to decorate.
After a whirlwind time in NY, I went back home for 4 days and prepared for a conference in San Diego….