5 Minutes 5 Questions: Jen Reiher (Flytographer)

These are my two favourite Flytographer shots. The first is from my Paris Flytographer shoot with Pierre Torset from February. The second picture is from Johnny Wolf in New York in April.

I decided I had to interview with Jen Reiher, who is the shoot concierge for Flytographer. Totally organized and personable – you are definitely in great hands when you book a shoot. I should know 😉

Here is 5 minutes/ 5 questions with the lovely Jen Reiher.

1) How long have you lived in Victoria?
My entire life – minus a GAP year spent volunteering in the UK. It’s hard to imagine leaving Victoria! It’s the perfect size, has an amazing food scene and the weather is the best in Canada!
2) What are your top three favourite cities in the world to visit?
So far? Budapest, Hungary; Seoul, Korea & Portland, Oregon. However… since starting to work for Flytographer the top 3 places on my ‘to visit’ list are Placencia, Belize; Lisbon, Portugal & Cancun, Mexico!
3) What is your must need travel accessory?
A very timely question… I’m travelling to Vegas for the first time in a few weeks and just starting to pack my bags and the one thing I need to find still is a great hat…! It’s a super important accessory for fashion as well as practicality for sunny destinations, but in winter a toque is a pretty classic Canadian accessory, too.
4) What’s the best part of reviewing all the pictures from all the photographers around the world?
Just how many authentically magical moments our photographers capture! I always get a little bit chocked up when I’m uploading the photo sets because the personalities and emotions just leap out of the screen. I think this is because we are capturing such meaningful moments and connections between people and places like anniversaries, honeymoons (or second honeymoons!), engagements, birthdays & bucket list trips.
5) Name three characteristics on your Love List? (Qualities that you look for in a potential mate/or your mate has already)
This was basically the gist of my wedding vows…

  1. Nerdiness: My husband and I started talking because we are both Mac nerds, and we’ve never stopped sharing geekery with each other.
  2. Adaptability: openness to change, and the ability to grow together is so key to me to long-term happiness in relationships! I am definitely not the same as I was when I met my husband 10 years ago, and neither is he, but we have definitely grown together and changed each other in small ways for the better.
  3. Compatibility yet independence : My husband and I are a great team, but we are not inseparable… it is so important to have passions to pursue outside of each other! It gives us things to talk about together if nothing else… 🙂


Happy New Year!

In reflection, 2013 was more about celebration for me. I had a great fair themed birthday, went on a few trips, published my first book and graduated with an MBA.

Now what? I believe 2014 will be all about building on the foundation of 2013 and taking everything further. New job, launching my book in other cities, getting back into traveling. All stuff like that.

I’ve become smarter with matters of the heart. Doesn’t make it any easier though. I’ve consciously said goodbye to three individuals within the last few days. It goes back to my string vs ribbon concept. I was stringing them along because they were 50% or more of my list. But in some way or another – they weren’t right. And holding onto them and wishing that certain facts were going to change isn’t going to help either. Waste of my time.

The little time I had left, because I was so busy accomplishing two huge goals that the year zipped by.

I think I want to be forthcoming with all that I have accomplished this year. Really relish in it. Not bragging. But owning it.

I also need to be gracious and more kind to everyone.

I can’t wait for 2014 to start.


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