On this last day of 2023, I give you not an article I wrote, for a change.  But here is one about me and my long-time trainer and friend Ayron Howey. This is written by my NYC pal Amanda for Women’s Health.

Hope you have a happy and healthy New year ahead.



Happy New Year!

In reflection, 2013 was more about celebration for me. I had a great fair themed birthday, went on a few trips, published my first book and graduated with an MBA.

Now what? I believe 2014 will be all about building on the foundation of 2013 and taking everything further. New job, launching my book in other cities, getting back into traveling. All stuff like that.

I’ve become smarter with matters of the heart. Doesn’t make it any easier though. I’ve consciously said goodbye to three individuals within the last few days. It goes back to my string vs ribbon concept. I was stringing them along because they were 50% or more of my list. But in some way or another – they weren’t right. And holding onto them and wishing that certain facts were going to change isn’t going to help either. Waste of my time.

The little time I had left, because I was so busy accomplishing two huge goals that the year zipped by.

I think I want to be forthcoming with all that I have accomplished this year. Really relish in it. Not bragging. But owning it.

I also need to be gracious and more kind to everyone.

I can’t wait for 2014 to start.