My @huffingtonpost picture! Thanks @flytographerinsta @paris_photographer 🙂 #thelovelist #book
Here is a picture of stylist Rony Walia working with Miss World Canada contestant Jasmeen Johal. I also had the pleasure of working with Rony on Valentine’s Day during my signing for The Love List at Holt Renfrew. We had so much fun dishing about fashion that I had to interview him.
Here is 5 questions/5 minutes with stylist Rony Walia.
1) How long have you lived in Vancouver?
Born and raised in this amazing city.
2) Describe your style in 3 words.
Black, abnormal, and clean.
3) What interests you about fashion?
I love the world of fashion, the hardships, the rewards ect. I LIVE for fashion week. Fashion is truly what helped me become the person i am. I can express how i feel, want to feel, or even how i am going to feel that day just by putting my outfit together. The world of fashion is also forever expanding, there is something new to learn everyday. With my attention span i need a career that keeps me on my toes everyday.
4) Tell me about your favourite accessory and why.
I have to say a watch is my favorite accessory. It keeps you looking put together but, you can also dress it up and make the look very edgy. The watch is a forever piece, its been around and is not going anywhere. I actually advise anyone to own a nice timeless watch. My go to watch right now is a silver / bronze metal mix Breitling.
5) Name three characteristics (in no particular order) on your Love List?
I say intelligent, caring, and well rounded. By well rounded i mean someone who is multicultural, and can hold a conversation in most topics. (I am a talker)
On a very early morning I made my way over to Sliders, to devour two great sliders that were hand crafted by Haz Aliessa. Haz, not only is the co-owner of Sliders – but also, co stars on Esquire Network’s Risky Listing. The show chronicles the work of 4 hospitality brokers in the big apple and is hopefully going into second season filming soon!
Here is 5 minutes/5 questions with hospitality broker/entrepreneur Haz Aliessa:
1) How long have you lived in NY?
Born in NY on March 3 1989 (lived here ever since)
2) What is your favourite thing to eat in NY?
3) When did you decided to take up real estate?
4) Tell me about your favourite slider.
The classic (Slider patty, cheddar cheese topped with caramelized onions).
5) Name three characteristics (in no particular order) on your Love List?
Loyalty, honesty, smart and she’s gotta be hot 🙂
Two years ago I started working with the lovely and talented Evon Au of Cookievonster. Since then, she has made many cookies for me: nursing week, birthday cookies and of course the cookie to honour my first book, The Love List.
Here is an interview with the gal behind all the cookies.
5 minutes/5 questions with cookie extraordinaire Evon Au.
1) How long have you lived in Vancouver?
Almost 8 years.
2) When your not baking, what are you up to?
Sleeping!!! Sleep is very rare for me these days LOL!
3) When did you decide to take up cookie making and baking?
About 4-5 years ago?? After this workaholic went from working 7 days a week, to staying at home 7 days a week, had to find something to keep myself occupied and challenged, and feel in love with baking/ cookie decorating.
4) Tell me about your most favourite cookie you have ever made.
Hmm….. almost every new cookie becomes my new favourite as I apply what I have learnt from the previous cookies to the new cookies. But saying that, I think the set of Minions cookies are my favourite because they make me happy every time I look at them.
5) Name three characteristics (in no particular order) on your Love List?
Ambitious, hardworking, respectful