Where I’m at…

I’ve never been so tired in my entire life. And it doesn’t help that my nose is runny either. My head is pounding and on Friday, when i decided to take 2 Tylenol cold medication tablets (daytime pills), it made me so nauseated and drowsy. Blah.

My final paper/project is due at the end of Sept. And i put myself on a  writing schedule of 5 pages per weekend. Right now, I have a line. Eek.

I’m working with my favourite editor right now on a book trailer. Should be out sometime this week on my site: www.ElenaMurzello.com

Home stretch and all i want right now is my blankie. 


Inspiration Inventory

So my friend pointed out i’ve been slipping on my blog and haven’t been updating as much as i should. Of course, due to my book/school/work I haven’t quite dedicated time to tumblr as much as instagram and twitter. So now I will make it up in my inspiration update…..

School is out for the summer. I have 2 papers and one last presentation until actual convocation in the fall. Can’t wait.

The book is in it’s final stages and I’m collaborating with some fantastic talented friends. Some old, some new. A good friend Derek connected me to Janelle who illustrated my entire book including the cover. Such amazing work. The illustrations alone get me excited!

I must say. It’s take a while for this book to come together. And what better way to celebrate – then with a super book launch. I’m lucky to know Serendipity Planners and The Experience who are willing to help me create something memorable.

Knowing all these creative individuals and being able to collaborate with them has definitely rejuvenated my inspiration inventory.

I feel that the common denominator between all of them is their willingness to play and not get bogged down by semantics and logistics.

So invigorating in a world bound by rules and constructs.


Manslations Book Review

MANSLATIONS!!! Best book to decoding the secret language of men….thank you Jeff Mac!

I’m not going to ruin the book for you but there is this thing called the Anger Smokescreen that a guy used on me… multiple times actually….

“It goes like this: You catch him doing something wrong; you have all the evidence; and yet he flips out as if you’re the one being outrageous. He’s banking on you not being confident enough to defend your point in the face of furious anger” (or in my case a wagging water bottle).

“So what he’ll do is this: He’ll get twice as mad at you as you are at him. His hope is that you’ll suddenly wonder if it isn’t all your fault after all.”

“Usually the guys who are heavy into this one date women with terrible enough self-esteem that is actually works – he can actually convince these ladies that it’s all their issue and he’s the victim. Oftentimes they will even apologize to him!”

Wow… sounds all too familiar doesn’t it 😉