I can’t really go into why I had the pleasure of visiting 1515 Broadway, which is the Viacom building in NY. But I was there and I loved the creative environment.
Remember the 200 Etsy hearts from Heck Yeah Party Shop? Well, it took me a good 8 hours to unwrap and tie the hearts with the USBs to the postcards. It was tedious but all worth it. The postcards were for the Brunch for Better put on by Janine Just and her team for the Creeds Collective final event to build awareness for Global Citizen in Soho. The event was a huge success, and the likes of Phillip Bloch attended!
Arts+Culture: New Read ALERT: The Love List | Fearless Junky
Thanks ladies for the Arts and Culture feature for Fearless Junky! Check this new site out!
This was my fifth time this year to head over to NYC. And i definitely had fun but full schedule. I checked into the lovely Ace Hotel and for all the places I have stayed this year, I would actually stay there again. Great Flatiron area, Stumptown coffee and the Breslin. Although I was unable to eat at the Breslin (it’s definitely on my list for a future – that actually is one criticism I have for they Ace – they need to have tables for people staying in the hotel!).
I managed to check a few holiday parties including one for the Centre for Social Innovation NYC and BellaNYC Magazine. Also some great new restaurants including Rosemary’s (where I had brunch with the funny,talented and sweet Alex of What’s Bakin’ NYC) and Chalk point Kitchen which was the most vegetable filled meal I have EVER had in NY. And it wasn’t the normal lame veggies either. I would definitely make sure to put them back on the list for a revisit.
What does 200 felt hearts from Etsy have to do with The Love List? You’ll soon find out in Dec! For now, check out this interview I did with Lynsey, the owner of the fabulous Heck Yeah Party Shop where you can get everything from cake toppers to balloons. I really love Etsy for bringing artisans together; it’s like visiting a craft fair whenever you want.
Here is 5 minutes/5 questions with the friendly, crafty and sweet Lynsey Stewart:
1) How long have you lived in Toronto?
I was born and raised in Toronto, leaving only for short periods to attend University in Halifax and then a little later in life when I moved just outside of Whistler in BC. I loved both locations but, for me, Toronto is home. And where my family and friends are!
2) When did you decide to start up your Etsy party shop?
I’ve always been a creative and independent person. I began a career as an Event Coordinator to fulfill my creative side but found it was missing something. I started curating and creating my own products, inspired by items I felt were missing from the market place. Etsy was the perfect location to start my online shop as fees for sellers are minimal and the marketplace concept makes it incredibly easy for customers to find the items they are looking for.
3) What has been your most unique custom order/ custom request?
I was recently asked to assist a fellow Event Coordinator in New York State. She was planning a big Halloween bash for children whose parent(s) were incarcerated. In the past I have felt conflicted over my career path, often thinking what I do is frivolous, but having the opportunity to donate items that may have brought a little joy to children who truly deserve it, was an amazing opportunity.
4) What is your advice for new artists on how to make a successful online shop?
Diversify the products you offer but don’t loose track of your overall goal. It’s natural to adjust from your initial business plan or grow your business with new and different products but it’s really easy to get caught up in it. Ending up with items that may not make sense in the same store can affect your business and confuse your shoppers, especially in an Etsy shop where all of your items are listed together in a basic store layout.
5) What are the top three characteristics on your Love List (characteristics or qualities you are looking for in a potential mate or your current mate)?
The top three things I look for in a mate are sense of humor and adventure, a caring nature, and patience.