I am so grateful for all the companies that pitched in to make my Love List Lounge swag bags simply amazing. When I was curated the product sponsor list, I wanted to make sure that my guests went home with products I would use myself (what better way to be a brand ambassador – the endorse cool quality products!). Note: I’m drinking tea as I edit this post. I came across Tease Tea by chance on Instagram and I realized that these ladies were from my home country (Canada) so I had to have them participate somehow! It was great to meet Caitlyn in person and have her live tweet at my event. I was a little bummed that I didn’t have any tea for myself so I ordered some Duchess of Earl which should be on its way soon. Can’t wait.
What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day then to post an interview with a company founded by a women!
Here is 5 minutes 5 questions with the fun and kind Caitlyn Squires from Tease Tea:
1) How long have you lived in New York?
I have been living in NYC for the past 5 months and have loved every minute! I moved here from Toronto, Canada to open Tease Tea’s first US location!
2) What is a tea sommelier?
A tea sommelier is a person who has been extensively trained and is knowledgeable and well versed in all aspects of tea. My business partner, Sheena Brady, is a certified Tea Sommelier through the Tea Association of Canada where she embarked in an 8 month journey which includes everything from import/export regulations, tea ceremonies, health and wellness benefits, how to blend tea, cook with tea, bake with tea, tea infused cocktails – it’s quite an extensive program.
3) Tell us about Tease Tea?
Tease Tea is Canadian born company with an international reputation. We are an online tea boutique operating out of Ottawa, ONT and have our small shop in Manhattan.
At Tease Tea, we are committed to creating blends for the modern tea drinker, inspired by reaching your individual goals & desires.
Are you the classic type? Looking to unwind? Have specific goals? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We literally have a tea for nearly any desire or goal.
Our speciality teas are always selected and created in small batches to ensure customers are receiving the freshest product possible, every time.
4) What is your favourite Tease Tea and why?
This is such a hard question because I love them all so much! I would have to say To The Finish Lime, not only for its citrus goodness and AMAZING health benefits like antioxidants, energy increasers and metabolism boosters but for the inspiration behind the blend. To The Finish Lime was inspired by Tease Tea’s 2015 kickstarter campaign that funded our journey from Canada to the US. We raised $22,800 in 26 days with the support of our amazing friends, family and true tease tea lovers around the world. This blend was our thank you to all those who supported our dream and encouraged us to reach our goals.
5) What are the top three characteristics on your Love List (characteristics or qualities you are looking for in a potential mate or current mate)?
The top three characteristics on my Love List in a potential mate would be: Ambition, Loyalty and a great sense of humour.
Don’t forget to “Like” Tease Tea on Facebook and follow Tease Tea on Instagram and Twitter both @tease_tea