The Trend’N Female Step by Step Braid Video and Article


Back at the end of April, I collaborated with 3 online publications including BELLA LA, BELLA NY and The Trend’N Female Magazine to trial Victoria Taylor Hair Extensions and create the perfect summer braid.

One early Sunday, EIC, Nicola of TTFMag  filmed a step by step video with the help of hair stylist/MUA Bianca Bruno and Meech (trusty camera guy). Check out the video here.

In conjunction with the video, a written article was posted as well. Read it here.

I had so much fun with this collaboration and I can’t wait for another!



Where I’m at…

I’ve never been so tired in my entire life. And it doesn’t help that my nose is runny either. My head is pounding and on Friday, when i decided to take 2 Tylenol cold medication tablets (daytime pills), it made me so nauseated and drowsy. Blah.

My final paper/project is due at the end of Sept. And i put myself on a  writing schedule of 5 pages per weekend. Right now, I have a line. Eek.

I’m working with my favourite editor right now on a book trailer. Should be out sometime this week on my site:

Home stretch and all i want right now is my blankie.