On a very early morning I made my way over to Sliders, to devour two great sliders that were hand crafted by Haz Aliessa. Haz, not only is the co-owner of Sliders – but also, co stars on Esquire Network’s Risky Listing. The show chronicles the work of 4 hospitality brokers in the big apple and is hopefully going into second season filming soon!
Here is 5 minutes/5 questions with hospitality broker/entrepreneur Haz Aliessa:
1) How long have you lived in NY?
Born in NY on March 3 1989 (lived here ever since)
2) What is your favourite thing to eat in NY?
3) When did you decided to take up real estate?
4) Tell me about your favourite slider.
The classic (Slider patty, cheddar cheese topped with caramelized onions).
5) Name three characteristics (in no particular order) on your Love List?
Loyalty, honesty, smart and she’s gotta be hot 🙂